Happening Now
Dismissal Changes
Please be sure to copy your students teacher on your email. Dismissal changes must be made before 2:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and before 1:00 on Wednesday. Please do not call the school, we do not take dismissal changes over the phone.
Please fill out the absent form to excuse your students absence.
Upcoming Events
March 14th: Teacher Planning Day – Student Holiday
March 17th-21st: Spring Break – Student/Teacher Holiday
March 24th: Classes Resume for Students
March 27th: Report Cards Issued
April 18th: Student/Teacher Holiday
April 23rd: Interims Issued
May 26th: Memorial Day – Student/Teacher Holiday
May 30th: Last Day for Students / Reports Cards Issued
Back to School Letters

The St. Johns County School District Honor Card program has gone digital! If your child is on the A/B honor roll and in grades 3 – 12, you have the opportunity to receive discounts at some very fun and exciting places in St. Johns County. Instead of paper honor cards, you will now show business participants your phone and receive these discounts. If you do not have access to a smartphone, a limited number of printed honor cards are available (call 904-547-3952).
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:25-2:45
Wednesday 8:25-1:45
School Information
Office Hours: 7:55-3:45
Main Office: 904-547-3780
Main Fax: 904-547-3795
Registration Fax: 904-547-3795
Clinic: 904-547-3788
Registration: 904-547-3786

We also have copies in the front office.
Returning Student Verification Form
Starting April 17th, Returning Student Verification emails will be sent home to all of our families. This is a secure online portal to make sure all contact information, allergies etc. are correct and to make any corrections if necessary. In addition to updating your info, all current 5th grade families are required to provide updated proof of residency. Any student that does not complete the returning student verification form and provide the required proof of residency will not receive their elementary class assignment.
Proof of Residency Documentation
Lease or Mortgage Statement
Utility bill dated within 30 days
One additional proof/bill with your address such as a drivers license, cell phone bill, credit card bill, bank statement, vehicle registration, etc.
After School Enrichments
Policies & Procedures
Checkout Procedures
A drivers license or State ID is required at all times when on school property and when checking your student out. No Checkouts after 2:20 on Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday. No checkouts after 1:20 on Wednesday.
We do not send children to the front office until you have arrived and shown your photo ID to the front office staff.
Your respect for our dismissal policy helps maintain safety and security as we complete attendance/dismissal change/check-out reports accurately before students prepare for and move to their dismissal stations. It is often very difficult to locate students or get them ready to leave early during the last minutes prior to dismissal bell. Teachers and students are completing lessons, packing up, or on the move to dismissal stations.
Parents this is just a reminder, per SJCSD Policy: If the person requesting the release of the student is a person other than a parent or guardian listed on the emergency contact form, we shall not release the student without the consent of the parent or guardian who is listed on the emergency contact form.
Personal Checks
Envision Payment Solutions™ is pleased to have been selected by St. Johns County School District as its check service provider. Learn more about Envision Payment Solutions.
Late Arrival
Attention Osceola Parents! For student safety, if your child is late to school (after 8:25), you must park and walk your child into the building and sign in at the front office.
Absences From School
If your child is absent from school, a parent/guardian must turn in a written/signed note within 48 hours for the absence to be considered excused. Phone calls will not be accepted. For more information, please view the SJCSD Attendance Policy.
Request an Interpreter
If you are in need of an interpreter for an event at Osceola, we ask you to send a request in writing at least two weeks in advance to the date of your event. We will do our very best to secure an interpreter, but need your help in asking to notify us as far in advance as you can to assure we are able to have an interpreter in place. Please communicate these requests with your child’s teacher and they will pass them on to the office for processing.
We also ask your consideration and let us know ASAP should you need to cancel a prearranged interpreter. This is an additional expense to the SJCSD so we appreciate you helping us to be conscious of these costs.
Head Start
St. Johns County School District Head Start provides a free pre-school program and comprehensive health and social services to eligible three- and four-year-old children and their families living in St. Johns County. Head Start is for income eligible families, proof of income is required.
School News

Teacher of the Year – Mrs. Highman

Rookie Teacher of the Year – Ms. Guerrero

School Related Employee of the Year – Ms. Hardy
VPK Opportunities

If you have not already done so we encourage you to enroll your child in the full-day, tuition free opportunity available to your student. The voluntary pre-kindergarten program is available to any child 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024. Your student’s participation in a VPK program offered by SJCSD offers them early literacy skills achieved through an engaging curriculum that is taught by school district certified teachers. The Full day VPK Program is available at Osceola Elementary, Crookshank Elementary and The Webster School. Spaces are limited and the free full day program will fill up quickly.
For more information or to register please contact the Early Childhood Services Department at 547-8965. Please do not miss this opportunity!
What's Happening at OES

We Are An AVID School!
Osceola is proud to be an AVID school!
Community Eligibility Provision Program
For the 2024-2025 school year, Osceola Elementary will once again be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision program. This means all students can be served breakfast and lunch for no charge. View the official notification.
Extended Day Program
Heather O’Mara – Extended Day Coordinator
Office Hours: 10:00-6:00
(904) 547-3789
Registration for Extended Day for the 2024-2025 school year will start March 26th.
The Osceola Extended Day Program is a community service available to Osceola students in grades K-5th. Extended day doors open at 3:15PM and close at 6:00PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday doors open at 2:15PM and close at 6:00PM. Service is not provided after 6:00PM. Please include a backup person on your emergency contact list as situations may arise. Morning care is available at 7:00AM. for an additional fee. Children enrolled in the program are provided with closely supervised group activities that are grade and age level appropriate. Children are provided with free play and a snack immediately following the regular school day. Time is also provided to do homework with assistance from an Extended Day staff member.
The Osceola Extended Day Program is totally self-supporting. The program does not receive funds from District, State or Federal agencies. According to the Florida Constitution (Article VII, Section 10), all fees must be paid in advance of services. Payment is requested by check or money order made payable to Osceola Extended Day. If cash is the form of payment, please bring the exact amount. Fees for daily extended day care include a snack with juice every day. Fees are to be paid on a monthly 10 equal payments. The St. Johns County School District has secured the services of Envision Payment Solutions. This agency offers services to collect for checks returned by the bank due to insufficient funds, closing of accounts, etc. They can be reached at 1-877-290-5460 regarding questions about returned checks.
School District News
"Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future" Virtual Discussion on April 2
Please join us on April 2, 2025, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future: SafeTrak Program, CARD Safety Kits for Families, & Diamond of Dreams Initiative." This informative session is designed for parents of students with disabilities. Learn about key programs and resources aimed at enhancing safety and inclusion for your child.
Quick Links
- Individualized Library Access Form
- St. Johns County Exceptional Student Services (ESE) Website
- Registering your child at Osceola
- Lunch Menu
- Home Access Center (HAC)
- St. Johns County Bullying Prevention Resources
- School Access Form
- Parent Resource Guide
- Music Performance Group Opportunities
- Healthcare and Insurance Information
- Transportation Waiver
- Year at a Glance Pacing Guide
- Parent Guide To Multi-Tiered System Of Supports
- All Student Progress Plan
- Use of Service Animals by Individuals with Disabilities
FortifyFL App
FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or getfortifyfl.com.
Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.
Osceola Elementary
Guiding Principles
Mission Statement
Osceola Elementary will be a family of learners working to become successful in academic and social settings. By nurturing determination, grit, and a growth mindset in all students, we will create life-long learners.
Vision Statement
Better Never Quits
School Access
This is just a reminder that anyone who enters our school (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle, grandparents) must have school access to attend an event at Osceola. This includes having lunch with a student, volunteering in classrooms, attend an awards assembly, field trips, conferences..etc. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take 4 to 6 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.
If you’re not sure if you are cleared, please contact Osceola Front Office at 904-547-3780.
District policy: “Any person passing beyond the front office area must show a valid driver’s license or state identification card.”
Please make sure to bring your identification with you when entering our school to go beyond the front desk or pick-up a child.